Feb 27, 2012

Jon Walsh and ServeEm blind Mini Munny trade

Gremlifly Mini Munny custom by ServeEm
A customizer named Jon Walsh recently got in touch with me about a Mini Munny blind trade be did with ServeEm. Both of these guys are boardies on the KR forums, which is a hotbed of customizing and custom toy industry interaction.

The Incredible Mini Munny custom by Jon Walsh
 Jon writes:
I recently participated in a 1 for 1 Mini Munny trade that I thought you might like to post on your site. Here is the background information:

Late last year ServeEm and myself decided to a blind trade, with each of us creating a MunnyWorld figure for the other person. We had free reign to do whatever we decided and once complete we would ship to the other person without them seeing the piece finished. I received my piece first from ServeEm, a Gremlifly, which is part gremlin, part butterfly and 100% awesome. (see more pics here)

My piece was a little delayed as it took a USPS detour north of it's destination but did arrive safely. His name is The Incredible, a killing machine built with pure chaotic genius. Unfortunately he is destined to destroy all of his owners at some point, so ServeEm better beware. (see more pics here)

We both can be found on the CTU and KR forums and are available for commissions. My contact address is jonwalshcustoms@gmail.com

Looks like a sweet trade for both of these guys! It's neat that people can meet up online and develop enough trust to send along precious customs to each other. 
To find out more about these customizers, check the following links:

Jon Walsh (j0nwalsh on the CTU and KR boards)

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