Feb 23, 2012

JC Rivera custom Calavera Dunny and Munko

JC Rivera has an amazing eye for composition. His delicate custom paint work on the David Choe Munko figure above is exquisite- just enough detail to create a fully-realized  piece of art, yet minimal enough to work perfectly within the simple form of the Munko figure. This piece is about 3 inches tall, and it doesn't come witha crown- that's JC's addition in resin. I suppose the crown is sort of his  signature- he incorporates a crown into many of his pieces.

At the same time, there's noting subtle about the other piece JC emailed to us: this wild custom 8" Calavera Dunny has also been blessed by JC's sculpting and painting. This one was based on a 3" Calavera Dunny JC did last month- it came out so nice that a customer commissioned him to do an 8" version, so regrettably, it's already sold. In typical Benny fashion, I did not make this blog post fast enough to give you a crack at buying the Munko- it's sold as well.

There are, however, still several really cool customs available in JC's shop, so click here to see what's available. He also takes commissions, obviosly. Here are his links:

We still have some of JC's Riker's Island series left in stock- a 3" Dunny series he made for our shop.

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