Feb 6, 2012

A Challenge for Nico Deacosta

A collector named Willem recently got in touch with us and wanted us to feature his (still unfinished) custom series he commissioned from Nico Deacosta. While this is very interesting, this is not the usual type of post that I write, so I will let Willem tell the story:

I got addicted to vinyl by a colleague from work.
He introduced me with the dunny's.

And within a month i gathered several dunny's, from different series.
And when i got familiar with the KR boards, the hobby/collection got even bigger...

I got to know some very good artists, who made custom dunny's.
These were even better then the original..

So i started to collect customs.
Fuller, Matt A, Rsin, Ardabus Rubber, Fail2Evolve, Nikejerk and many more..

Then i got to know Nico Deacosta aka Likhang Pinoy.
A very good artist..

I asked him if he could do a theme, a set of 12 3"dunny's
And he accepted the challenge..

And i must say, his work came out better then i could dream...
Gratz for Nico!!

Sounds like Willem has good taste in customizers! These Dunnys are pretty sweet. I'm diggin that Carnage one myself. By the way, I'd love to explore Nico's blog in order to flesh out this post, but it's set to private.  Click here if ya wanna see for yourself.

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