Jan 27, 2012

THUG Stormhammer and Thug-gy

Hey look- a blog post where I don't even have to write anything descriptive, cuz the manufacturer sent a GIANT, complicated graphic in the email! THUG's new Stormhammer looks sweet. 
I bet Kris Dulfer and Matty Boombatty would both like this one. They both seem to enjoy creating figures with drill heads and hands.
Below is the previous release, the Thug-gy sculpt. I guess both are available as DIYs as well. DKE is distributing so all of us retailers have access to these figures. Oddly, despite a plethora of information included in this graphic, SRP is not mentioned.


  1. When I first saw the THUG(now Thug-gy) figure 3 years ago I couldn't help but think UNKL was releasing a new figure. Everything right down to the packaging screamed UNKL. The first series of these that came out retailed for $22. The new DIY comes with a mask and accessories, but I couldn't find a price on him. The Stormhammer figure is $90 for the Black DIY and $100 for the black & red version.

    1. $100? good lord. no wonder they didn't put pricing in their outreach email. that's a lot. I mean it's a cool figure but still.

    2. too rich for my blood
      but yeah, cool figure.
      i like the sound of $22.00 MUCH better...


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