Jan 11, 2012

Ian Ziobrowski Grindroid Android x Dunny mashup

My man Ian Ziobrowski came up for air the other day and sent us these images of a commission he recently completed: the Grindroid is made from a 3" Dunny and a 3" Android figure. Ian says the Grindroid is "one of the most unique pieces of machinery NUGGS have ever owned.  What "Grindroid" does is chomp then mulches to produce some of the finest butters in town. This robot is responsible for some of the best, most desirable snacks in NUGGLIFE!"

If you don't get that reference... sorry. 
I'm not going to explain to you how to make proper spacecakes on this blog.
If you want to get in touch with Ian, you can hit him up via email here. He's a busy dude but as you can see, his commissions are worth the wait! You can also hit him on Facebook, check his work out on Flickr and visit his website, which is under construction but nearing completion!

By the way, Ian will be rolling out a resin toy this year with the help of Matt Anderson. So... get ready.

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