Jul 26, 2011

Ian Ziobrowski NUGGLIFE Paintings

 In a season when many artists are slowing down, Ian Ziobrowski is gathering momentum. In addition to an epic-scale custom project he's nearly completed (and we'll be selling on our site), Ian has begun working regularly in oil on canvas. He plans on regularly creating oil paintings to accompany his toy releases. Here are his two most recent paintings: above is a delicately rendered Jesus painting, part of a NUGGLIFE triptych he's completed.

And the Nuggs painting above is a study for a custom 8" Dunny commission that I an will be working on for a client. I honestly have no idea how Ian has enough time to get all this stuff done, but I do know that he has a brand new studio out on Long Island where he's been working away. I am very much looking forward to helping Ian promote and sell his upcoming projects- I'm constantly impressed with the work he does!

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