Jul 23, 2010

Vamplets plush baby vampires at SDCC booth 4149 + giveaway here on this blog!

WARNING: Vamplets, creepy but cuddly Baby Vampyres, will be making a feast at this week's Comic-Con in San Diego, California.

If you dare to enter Comic-Con, please steer clear of Booth #4149 at all costs. Do not be fooled by their adorable looks, these diapered demons are really rotten to the core! And they will stop at no opportunity to drink the blood of any unsuspecting bystanders. Dozens of cosplayers have already perished. Just look for the growing puddle of blood and tiny bloody footprints on the floor of the Con...

If you can't make it to SDCC (like me) and you are foolish enough to want one of these evil 8-inch plushes lurking in your house (like me), then we have a fun giveaway for you:
Leave a comment under this post with the name of your favorite Vampire, from any story, book or film... from Vlad the Impaler to that twinkly one Edward. If you don't have a Google account, email your answer to us with the words "VAMPLETS GIVEAWAY DRAWING" in the subject line.
Names from your comments & emails will be put into a hat on July 30th for the drawing and one lucky winner will win a brand new Vamplets Burton Creepson Jr. plush and the accompanying Disappearing Bottle of Blood accessory, as pictured below:
Good luck, fools! Don't say I didn't warn you...


  1. My favorite one has to be Angel from Buffy You Know Who. Yeah, Im a geek.

  2. it should be :

  3. Spike from Buffy....only because I almost punched out a photographer during a photo session with James Masters this year

  4. Hmmmm, not sure if she's a real vampire but Elvira :)

  5. I'm not a plush collector but these r nice and I will definitely make room for these in my collection & if it wasn't for my bot Ben @ TENACIOUS I wouldn't know about these, he has the best updates, prices, the fastest shipping, & responds to peoples emails Lightning Fast...

  6. As lame as it is, I will always love Lestat. xD

  7. Sadie Blake (Lucy Liu's character from the movie Rise) Such a good under rated vampire movie. Wish it would have hit theaters instead of going straight to DVD.

  8. when I was a kid I used to part my fringe in the middle just like Vampirella.

  9. Definitely Otto von Chriek, the vampire iconographer of the Discworld! This guy is obsessed with light to withdraw from his blood cravings. Then again, the light of his flash salamander keeps killing him. He's quite peculiar and funny!

  10. SO CUTE! My favorite vampire is probably Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. :)

  11. This changes often, but today it's Franklin, True Blood seasons 3. He's delightfully nutty.

  12. Omg thats adorable. I want one hehe

  13. oops, favorite vampire is Lestat

  14. Jack Fleming, the vampire detective of gangland Chicago in P.N. Elrod's "Vampire Files" series. All her characters are strong, unique and compelling.

  15. It's very hard to name just one, but Eli from Let the Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in) is the first that comes to my mind.

  16. Right now its actually Jessica from True Blood ;)

  17. Hmmm... so many good choices. Lestat is cool, Blade is badass, and Count Chocula is delicious! But let's vote in the Count from Sesame Street. Millions of children can do simple math thanks to him. 1..2..3.. Ah ah ah ah!

  18. FUN FACT: Count Chocula is the most powerful vampire in all literary history. He is immune to sunlight, running water, presumably diabetes, etc. The only other vampire to even come close is The Count from Sesame Street, but he has crippling OCD.

    Count Chocula rules.

  19. My favorite vampire is Nothing from the book "Lost Souls" by Poppy Z Brite. He is so innocent and has to learn to deal with what he is.

  20. Nothing from Poppy Z, Brite's Lost Souls

  21. If this were 10 years ago I'd say Spike from Buffy. Today I'll go with Eric from True Blood

  22. Just for shits and giggles - Edward Cullen (from Twilight) haha

  23. Congratulations to Gabrielle for winning this drawing! Contest is now closed. Thanks everyone so much for your entries! -Benny

  24. my favorite vampire will have to be Rosalie from twilight


Please leave a comment! Benny will approve within 24 hours.