Jun 18, 2010

Spanky Stokes Exclusive Jesse Hernandez Ozomahtli Obsidian version

Spanky Stokes proudly announces his first exclusive figure. He has teamed up with urban artist Jesse Hernandez to give you THE BEST colorway available for his Ozomahtli figure, the "Obsidian" edition.
This beauty measures 9" tall and features a beautiful gloss black/matte black finish... unlike any other colorway so far. The figure has two articulated arms, a removable headdress, and an articulated head (yes it swivels!!!). This very limited run will retail for $90 + shipping on Thursday, July 1st, 2010 via the Spanky Stokes online store HERE!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Benny, the support you give to me and everyone else is outstanding!!!


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